
upcoming dates and an apology

Hello Merton bread eaters. I’ve got a bunch of upcoming times away from home which means I won’t be baking for COGS on the following Saturdays over summer and into autumn:

  • 6 July
  • 27 July
  • 3 August
  • 10 August
  • 17 August
  • 31 August (the dentist!)
  • 14 September (will be baking for Autumn Harvest Festival at Coventry Cathedral)
  • 28 September
  • 5 October
  • 12 October
  • 19 October

I know I know. It’s a lot and it’s certainly not an ideal way to build momentum with a business. So all I can do is offer my sincere apologies. I promise to make more bread better once I get back to a regular baking schedule.

If anything changes I’ll keep you updated. I’ll also continue to post here weekly and will remind you on the specific weeks when I am and am not baking.

Up next cannellini experiment craft knowledge
Latest posts coming up pushing the proof making ourselves discard granola new workshops back with three sunflower and sesame walnut and rye hand sifting flour carb lab craft knowledge upcoming dates and an apology cannellini experiment very old bread when flour meets water back baking percentages and schedule bonci bread folded dried starter the meaning of the process gone fishing structure wet and wetter normal delivery Earlsdon festival lactobacillus away colouring of the crust spring festival ear