
Emmer flour is is an ancient grain (known in Italy as farro). It’s high in protein and fibre and also a good source of resistant starch (which seems to be good for gut health).

It’s not gluten free but the gluten it does have doesn’t have as strong a structure as wheat flour so it breaks down more easily.

Emmer flour is also flavoursome: a little bit nutty and a bit sweet. I also taste its grassiness, which is a good reminder that all these cereals we eat in bread are grasses.

I’ve had a few goes now making sourdough loaves with emmer flour. It hasn’t been easy and the ratio of flours I’ve been using is:

  • 30% wholegrain emmer
  • 40% strong white flour (75% extracted)
  • 30% high extraction (85%) wheat flour

Emmer loafEmmer loaf

I’ll sell some of these at COGS on Saturday 21 September. If I get a chance I might try scalding the emmer flour to sneak a bit more water into the loaves.

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